Midwest Pond & Koi Society
The Midwest Pond & Koi Society (MPKS) are families with a common hobby: koi ponds, garden ponds, koi keeping and plants! We meet the 3rd Friday of the month from February through October unless a different event is planned. You do not have to be a member to attend a meeting.
Event and Meeting Update
The next club dinner meeting is March 21st.
The dinner will be held at Chandlers, Schaumburg IL.
The program is Illinois’ Wild and Wonderful Early Bloomers
Visit the events page for more details about the March dinner.
We will continue to update you through email and the MPKS web site.
MPKS 2025 Tosai Auction
May 17th 2025
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Preview of fish starts Noon.
This event is for MPKS members. If you are not a member, you may join or renew your membership at the check in table.
40 to 50 beautiful Koi will be auctioned.
Watch our web site for more details.
MPKS 2025 Garden & Pond Tour
It’s time for MPKS members to sign up to be on the tour.
July 19th – 20th and July 26th – 27th 2025
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
The cost is $25.00 per family and allows you to tour all four days.
This is our 35th year of MPKS members opening their backyards to the public. The Garden and Pond Tour is divided into regions to help minimize the travel time and increase your enjoyment of leisurely visiting the gardens and ponds. The Tour is self-guided, so you may pick and choose to visit one or all of the many beautiful gardens and ponds listed.
The Garden and Pond Tour maps are currently NOT available for purchase. Select Pond Tour Info under What’s Happening (upper right corner of this page) to see a list of vendors selling the pond tour maps.
The MPKS table will be at the following locations where maps may be purchased on the following dates from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Locations to be announced.
Pond Tour Map Updates: None at this time
About MPKS
MPKS is a not for profit, hobbyist organization whose members share a common interest in koi (Japanese colored carp), goldfish, water gardens and backyard ponds. Our members reside mostly in Chicago and surrounding counties as well as Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri.